
2018年1月,福克斯商学院(Fox School of Business)报告称,它向美国政府提交了不准确的数据.S. 新闻 & World Report for the 2018 Best Online MBA Programs rankings. 坦普尔聘请了全国知名的众达律师事务所对数据进行全面审查 processes within Fox. 审查发现,至少从2014年的调查开始,福克斯就错误地报告了其OMBA项目的数据. 在某些情况下, the misreporting was intentional; in other instances, 福克斯学院基于自己对调查问题的可疑解释而错误报道了信息.

坦普尔大学的进一步调查发现,类似的误报在其他项目中也存在多年, namely the Executive MBA, 全球MBA, 兼职MBA, 人力资源管理理学硕士和市场营销数字创新理学硕士. 这些程序都有与一个或多个指标的报告相关的问题, including the number of new entrants providing GRE/GMAT scores, student indebtedness and applicants’ undergraduate GPAs. For the Online Bachelor of Business Administration, Temple’s review found misreporting related to student indebtedness.

该大学还审查了福克斯对其他排名机构的调查反馈,并确定, during the same period of time, 一些不准确的数据点也提交给了《威尼斯赌场网站》最佳商学院排名调查和英国《威尼斯人赌场网站》, The Economist and Business Week. Further, misreported data was used in Poets & Quants’ business rankings surveys.

The university has publicly disclosed a summary of Jones Day’s findings and recommendations 并发布了 regular updates and announcements regarding the review of Fox data misreporting. Information can be found 在这里 at Temple’s data integrity website.

2019年12月, 在总检察长对数据误报指控进行调查后,坦普尔还同意与宾夕法尼亚州总检察长办公室签署一份自愿遵守保证. As part of the settlement, which can be found 在这里, the university will establish and fund $250,为福克斯商学院(Fox Business School)的学生提供的奖学金金额高达5000万美元,并同意采取额外的补救措施,以确保此类误报事件不再发生. 


2018年7月11日,邓波儿宣布在福克斯实施多项措施. These measures include the creation of a new performance analytics unit responsible for accreditation and rankings; the implementation of a new workflow for data aggregation, 检查, verification and submission; and the coordination between Fox and the university’s Office of Institutional 研究 and Assessment to develop and implement these steps to ensure data integrity. 最近, 这些流程已进一步更新,以将大学的数据验证单元整合到数据完整性措施中.

坦普尔大学还采取了措施,确保全校包括福克斯在内的报告准确无误. 具体地说:

  • 所有学校和学院都制定并实施了经修订的数据收集程序, verification and submission.
  • 新的数据核查股有一名专职工作人员专门负责审查向排名机构报告的数据.
  • 信息技术事务厅将查明现有数据系统之间的接口差距,并酌情推行新系统.
  • Temple has developed and/or continues to improve policies to address:
    • Temple's commitment to ethics and compliance, 包括其维护和共享的信息的完整性和准确性;
    • standards for collecting data; 
    • standards for verifying and cross-checking data;
    • 提交数据的程序,包括所需的审查和批准;
    • 由院长和相关部门负责人对数据的完整性和准确性进行认证, both prior to and after submission; and 
    • mechanisms for questioning or raising concerns, directly or anonymously, about the integrity or accuracy of data.
  • 天普聘请了一家外部审计公司,以确保数据完整性新措施的有效性. 
  • 邓波儿推出了 data integrity website 其中包含有关大学致力于促进数据完整性的信息.

Since being appointed, 福克斯商学院(Fox School of Business)院长罗恩•安德森(Ron Anderson)采取了有目的的全面措施来改善内部控制, 确保数据报告的准确性,创造尊重透明度和问责制的氛围. Specifically, Dean Anderson has:

  • 公开承认福克斯商学院过去的报道错误,并向利益相关者道歉;
  • Restructured key administrative functions (i.e., enrollment management and marketing, finance and human resources); 
  • Examined and adjusted responsibilities of management personnel; appointed a business/finance manager and appointed a director of human resources;
  • Met and will continue to meet with various stakeholders, 包括学生, 教职员工, to address concerns and answer questions; and
  • 致力于继续与教职员工对话,为福克斯学生建立一种注重积极成果的文化.


Does this affect the Fox School’s accreditation?

No. The Fox School continues to be accredited by AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business, 福克斯学院自1934年以来一直保持着这一殊荣.

福克斯的U是什么.S. 新闻排名现在和将发生什么福克斯学校排名在未来?

Following Fox’s disclosure to U.S. 新闻 in January 2018 that it had submitted inaccurate data, U.S. 新闻 removed the Online MBA program’s No. 1 national ranking and moved the program to the “unranked” category. In light of the data issue with the Online MBA program, 福克斯商学院要求从即将到来的2019年美国商学院排名中退出.S. 新闻 and remained in the “unranked” category for that year’s rankings. 2020年的美国.S. 新闻排名中,福克斯提交了经过验证和审计的调查回复,排名第1. 88年全国.

W在这里 does Fox stand with other ranking surveys?

7月27日, 2018, 坦普尔通知《威尼斯赌场网站》,它将不会提交2017-2018年的调查,并且在其内部系统被审查以确保福克斯提交的数据的准确性之前,它将不会这样做. 同样,福克斯决定在2019年秋季之前不向其他组织提交排名调查数据. Rankings from those submissions will be forthcoming.


No. Fox’s graduate and undergraduate programs remain excellent. 学校的重点仍然是提供高质量的课程和学生服务. 虚报数据绝不是该校杰出学术研究的反映, its award-winning faculty, its highly accomplished students, the success of its alumni or its world-class programs.

W在这里 do I go if I have additional questions?

For more information, go to Temple’s data integrity website or contact Temple’s 道德 and 合规 office at ethicsandcompliance@ans-trading.com.